Hey, all. I have a couple of things I wanted to share with you. I was going to do a video, but I don't want to wait. I would have done it last night, but I wanted to spend some time with Greg, since he seemed a little off. I luvs me sum Gergie, you know.
Anyway, I'm glad I got out and voted on Tuesday. I had to go back up to the Loop to vote, where I haven't lived for like 3 years. It really made me miss that area. So many different people. Skin tones in every shade of the rainbow and tons of languages being spoken all around me! I ended up chatting with five people from former Communist countries while in line to vote. They told me how they were astounded at how many people come out to vote
every time we have an election here. One woman from Russia told me how if the line was too long, you just didn't bother to go and vote. It didn't matter. There was only one candidate on the ballot, and if you didn't vote, they brought your ballot to you the next day for you to take care of. They were speaking three or four different languages around me, and explaining that they caught half of each other's languages because of the similarities. Five very strong people that I will probably never see again. I wish them the best!
After I voted, Greg and caught up on our
Sarah Connor Chronicles and watched the latest episode of
True Blood. Both great shows! I want to read the books that
True Blood was based on, but part of me is worried that they will be too "girlie." They're short books, so I'll probably read at least one anyway.
Wednesday, Greg and I found out for sure from our landlord that our street is, indeed, going to be bought out to make way for a new Target that the area does not need.
Whatever. I do like the house we're in right now. It has a very good feel to it, and that's one of the most important things to us, quite frankly. More than looks or neighborhood or any of that stuff, we look for a house that has the right feel. If it doesn't feel like home, it will never BE home.
Luckily, we have the best real estate agent helping us find a new house to rent. She is the one who helped us find THIS house, and she remembers us and remembers what it is we're looking for. She's showing us a house this afternoon around the Maplewood / Richmond Heights area that supposedly has five bedrooms.
That's right, people. Five bedrooms.
Fut the Whuck am I going to do with five bedrooms? That's an office for Greg, a bedroom for us, a bedroom for the Furrie Dungeon-boy who lives downstairs, a bedroom for yet another roommate to help with bills and such, and still leaves one bedroom we won't know what to do with!! The best thing is that it won't cost much more than what we're paying now, and it will still be less than what we were paying at the house previous to this one! I'll post on that one later, probably tonight but tomorrow at the latest.
So there you have it, kids. That's been my life lately.
New beginnings. Renewal.
Keep your fingers crossed for us.