Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Three Frelling Days, People!!!

Three days until the Farscape comic debuts!

What totally kicks ass is that it will pick up, supposedly, right after the Peacekeeper Wars and will be like a "Season Five."

If you've been living in a cave, you may not be aware that Farscape is the best science fiction show EVAR and was abruptly canceled after its fourth season.  Fans put up such a fuss demanding more Farscape that they put together a miniseries on the Sci Fi Channel to give the show a sense of closure, and it was done very well.

More recently, however, they've put together this comic book series, and I'm really frelling excited about it!  Only three more days, people!  THREE MORE DAYS!!!

The comics will cover storylines in arcs of four issues and will pick up right where things left off, which is great, because I HATE ENDINGS.  In the real world, nothing really ends.  It just starts a new chapter.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Da Scoop

Wanna know what's going on?

So do I.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Hey, all. I have a couple of things I wanted to share with you. I was going to do a video, but I don't want to wait. I would have done it last night, but I wanted to spend some time with Greg, since he seemed a little off. I luvs me sum Gergie, you know.

Anyway, I'm glad I got out and voted on Tuesday. I had to go back up to the Loop to vote, where I haven't lived for like 3 years. It really made me miss that area. So many different people. Skin tones in every shade of the rainbow and tons of languages being spoken all around me! I ended up chatting with five people from former Communist countries while in line to vote. They told me how they were astounded at how many people come out to vote every time we have an election here. One woman from Russia told me how if the line was too long, you just didn't bother to go and vote. It didn't matter. There was only one candidate on the ballot, and if you didn't vote, they brought your ballot to you the next day for you to take care of. They were speaking three or four different languages around me, and explaining that they caught half of each other's languages because of the similarities. Five very strong people that I will probably never see again. I wish them the best!

After I voted, Greg and caught up on our Sarah Connor Chronicles and watched the latest episode of True Blood. Both great shows! I want to read the books that True Blood was based on, but part of me is worried that they will be too "girlie." They're short books, so I'll probably read at least one anyway.

Wednesday, Greg and I found out for sure from our landlord that our street is, indeed, going to be bought out to make way for a new Target that the area does not need.

Whatever. I do like the house we're in right now. It has a very good feel to it, and that's one of the most important things to us, quite frankly. More than looks or neighborhood or any of that stuff, we look for a house that has the right feel. If it doesn't feel like home, it will never BE home.

Luckily, we have the best real estate agent helping us find a new house to rent. She is the one who helped us find THIS house, and she remembers us and remembers what it is we're looking for. She's showing us a house this afternoon around the Maplewood / Richmond Heights area that supposedly has five bedrooms.

That's right, people. Five bedrooms.

Fut the Whuck am I going to do with five bedrooms? That's an office for Greg, a bedroom for us, a bedroom for the Furrie Dungeon-boy who lives downstairs, a bedroom for yet another roommate to help with bills and such, and still leaves one bedroom we won't know what to do with!! The best thing is that it won't cost much more than what we're paying now, and it will still be less than what we were paying at the house previous to this one! I'll post on that one later, probably tonight but tomorrow at the latest.

So there you have it, kids. That's been my life lately.

New beginnings. Renewal.

Keep your fingers crossed for us.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008






In other news, I've been rather moody lately, and I've been putting pretty high demands on people. I think I know why.

In the simplest terms, people, I'm lonely.

Ugh, gag. Sounds pathetic, huh? Well, it feels pathetic. I hate this. I end up making myself look stupid and desperate and many other very unattractive things. It's not the person I want to be. What really sucks is that I see it happening, and I can't stop the course.

So if I've jumped to conclusions or placed undue demands on you, I apologize. (Treasure it. I hate to apologize.) It seems like all of the people I end up relying on for certain things all move away.

That's one of the things I treasure in Greg the most these days: he really is the one constant in my life, and you should all thank him for taking the brunt of this. It really makes me more bearable to the rest of you, trust me.

I've been thinking a lot lately about my friendships. I'm not an easy person to BE friends with, I know. I wish I could label for you what it is I am looking for, or what quality I need out of my friendships. I don't know.

Believe me, though, the older I get, the more difficult it seems to be to make friends, and I'm at a point in my life that I do need to make friends.

I don't know what else to say on that right now. Just, I'm lonely.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Move along, move along. Just your basic "hey, I got a cam" post.

Nothing to see here.




Damnit, I said move along.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

On The Rise

Me? Obsessed? I don't know what you're talking about.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hear Ye, Hear Ye...

I have declared that I am GOING OUT SOMETIME THIS WEEK.

And some of you bitches are going WITH me. I've been wanting to go out again for a while, but things just never seem to be right. So get a hold of me. I want to go out!!! I don't want to do it alone, either!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thank You, Gay.Com

I've been getting back into the habit of practicing yoga, and I have to thank for it.

You see, not long ago, I was visiting a friend of mine, and when I went to use the bathroom, I saw myself in a huge mirror. Ladies and gentlemen, I am fat. It struck me then how brave it is to even own a mirror so big!

How does have anything to do with this? Well, has just updated their website. Disastrously. They have so much down time, and the site was so poorly tested that I have not been sitting online at night chatting, looking for god only KNOWS what (not that I'd be likely to find it there, even if I DID know what I was looking for!)

Instead, I've been getting back into my yoga practice. I've been watching this video, in particular, and similar videos. The grace, the beauty that this guy moves with is amazing to me. I will probably never be as flexible as this guy is, but I want to cultivate some part of that grace in myself.

What I really want to do is to find what my body was designed to do. You know how when you're watching an animal do what it was born to do? A golden retriever fetching things, or a herding dog running in huge circles around a field? And how beautiful they look, doing what their bodies were created to do? Well, I want some part of that. I wish I could find what my body was designed to do, so that maybe I could make myself look how I should look. Sappy as it is, I want to be beautiful.

So there you go. I'm trying to take all of this wasted energy and desire and do something constructive with it. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Now I'm pissed

I had an awesome post set up, but then my computer came unplugged, and I lost it.

This sucks. I can't rewrite that right now. I'll try later on. In the mean time, know that I'm here.


I've just discovered that my favorite program for LJ still works for Blogger., and IT automatically saves stuff.

I'm much relieved, but I am still disappointed at that last post.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Law of Motion

I haven't been as productive in general as I'd like.

I think that I am lonelier than I realize, and I'm slightly worried that a curse could come true. Being lonely isn't the same as being alone, of course, but lonely isn't fun.

I find myself at an odd situation in my life. At the age of 35, where do I go to make new friends? Especially since I never have money to spare to go out with. As a child, I didn't make friends easily, and believe me, it does not get easier as you get older.

Another obstacle is that I'm fairly specific on what it is I want. Most of my friendships have been of the intense variety, and I must confess I prefer it that way. Most people my age don't have the time for the intensity I so desperately miss. In one's thirties, if you're going to invest a lot of energy into a relationship, they want it to be THE relationship, and I don't need that. I have that.

I just need the rest. Kinda' funny that the part everyone else finds so easy is the difficult part for me, and the part that everyone finds so difficult is the part I've had for years.

I guess this is why I have these little white pills. To carry me through it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Man's Best Friend


Greggie loves his Schmendrick...

and Schmendrick loves his Greggie.

"Who's the best moose ever?"
Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Foul Language, Huh?

When did need become a four-letter word?

What's so awful about it?  We're all human.  We all do it.  In orphanages in Germany after World War II, babies who didn't have their emotional needs filled died, even though they had everything their bodies required.  It's biology, tied to psychology, tied to spirituality.

So much desperation, and all we can do is despise anyone who needs as much as we do.  Sometimes I wish I could turn it off, and leave the human race for a while.  God knows I'm not winning anyway.

Melodramatic?  Maybe.  But you know what?

Fuck you.

Fuck you all.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

People and Places and Photos

Today I had lunch with my brother (the straight one) and my sister and her husband.  My aunt and my step mother were also there.

I like my step mother a lot, but we have such a different history with my father than she did.  Even my aunt doesn't share all of the same stories and memories as we do.  While I like being with them all, I wish my other brother had been there, and I wish it were just the four of us "kids," and maybe our partners.

Mostly we talked about what's going on in our lives now.  Craig's new job, what it's like living in Imperial, Greg's latest theatre enterprise.

It wasn't what I expected, but then is anything, really?

After lunch, we went to Dad's grave site.  On one side it has my mother's markings, and on the other my Dad's.  While it's good to have them both close to each other, it can't be easy for my step mother, who goes there quite often.

I probably won't go to my Dad's grave for quite some time.  I don't like graves.  Not because of issues dealing  with loss, or because of creepy ghost stories.  Mostly because I think they're a waste of space.  I don't need a plot of land to remember my mother and father.  I have my pictures, and I have my memories.

This is a picture of the house I grew up in.  I don't need that either, really.

What I need are my family and my friends.  (Is there really a difference between the two?  The older I get, the less I think so.)

So call me.  We'll do lunch.

And we'll take a picture.  I want to remember you, as you are today.  No excuses about your hair or your weight or the stain on your t-shirt.

Just let me take a picture.  I want to remember  you.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Damn Hippies...

I want to like Devendra Banhart.

I really do.

But I'm just not sure...


Wow... No post in 3 days?  I was doing so much better earlier this week.  I have been at work, of course.  I work 10 hour days, 4 days a week, no lunch break or anything, so when I get home I am a bit tired.  Still, I wanted to make an effort to write more often than that.

The other thing is that I was off of my meds for a couple of days.  I curse each and every one of those white pills that crosses my lips, but I really am quite unbearably moody without them.  Ask Greg or Michael.  They know, as do some of you, I'm sure.

Most of what the damn things do is help me to let go of things that wouldn't/shouldn't bother me for as long as they do.  Without them, things that shouldn't be a big deal bother me until they ARE a big deal.  With them, I can let things slide off my back much easier.  The fact that I do rely on them for that is something that I hate.  It makes me feel so broken sometimes, when I think about it.

I try not to think about it, but when you're in the middle of a bout without them, that gets difficult.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Season One

Greg and I just finished Season One of Terminator:  The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

This show has some really cool stuff going on!  I'll try not to throw out any spoilers, of course.

First off, Summer Glau as Cameron is fantastic!  She's such a pretty girl (and I don't say that often!)  She pulls off the whole deadpan "Terminator" speak so well!  It's also so difficult to tell what's going on with that character.  Some of the things she says are either heartwarming in that she wants to understand humanity so much, or chilling in that she's learning that much on how to "blend in."  I'm never sure if I want to hug her or if I should be afraid of her!

From past installments in the storyline, we know that the T100 (Arnold's character) developed rudimentary emotions by the end of the second movie. (The Terminator: "I know now why you cry, but it is something I can never do.")  There's something touching about Cameron trying to teach herself ballet.  I liked that scene a lot.

Brian Austin Green's character is also quite interesting.  First off, that boy has a BODY!  And tattoos are HOT, in my book, anyway.  On one hand, he's John's uncle, so there's a big desire to trust him just on those credentials.  On the other, he's been through a lot in the war with the machines.  He's been known to lie in the series, as well.  The scene where he takes John to the park to see young Derek and Kyle playing baseball is an awesome scene.  It broke my heart when John handed Kyle his ball back!

Now, in general, this series seems to create a lot of paradoxes, but it always has.  John learns about the machines from experiences as a child messing with the T100 and with Cameron.  He is working to avoid the whole thing from happening at all, however, if it doesn't happen, then his father never went back in time, and he was never born.  The machines never existed to go back in time, so there would be nothing for him to learn so much with!  This shit could really make my head spin!

So... yeah.  This is what I've been doing with my time since we're out of Doctor Who and Torchwood episodes to watch for a while.  Mo and I were watching Farscape together for a while, but since he's seeing someone, he doesn't come and visit as much as he used to.  I guess that's good for Mo and all, but I am in serious sci fi deprivation, here!

Anyone else have any series that they can recommend?  Any you wanna get together and watch with me?  I'm not much for Lost, but there's a series called The Dollhouse coming out from Joss Whedon that looks really good!

Comments welcome, as always.

Pretty please?

Okay, I'm a paranoid freak.

Could y'all comment in here somewhere so I know you're finding it okay?

It would mean a lot to me.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Way We Were

Just thinking about who we are, who we were, and where we came from.

I found some old pictures, and decided to put the scanner we inherited to good use. Included were some pictures of my family before my brothers were born, some shots of all of my cousins and my sister and I one Christmas, and a couple of shots of my best friend from childhood.

I've bee thinking a lot about things from back then lately.  Ever since my father died, actually.  We had it pretty good, for the most part.  We had a good, emotionally healthy family, and good supportive neighbors and friends.  We didn't have that much money - less and less as time went on, actually, but we didn't know that at the time.  Not really, at least.

This is a picture of me and Christina, my best friend growing up.  We were inseparable as kids.  I have a long history of intense friendships, you see.

Oh, and as a kid, I loved that shirt.  I guess I never did have much taste.  I was so upset when it didn't fit anymore.  One day it just vanished.  I'm sure my mom had something to do with it, of course.

I was horrible to my father from about the time I hit puberty through about my early twenties.  That poor man couldn't even breathe right as far as I was concerned at that age.  It was less about him than it was about me.  I had a lot of things to work out back then.  Hell, who am I kidding?  I have a lot to work out even now. 

I was a pretty cute kid, though.

I'm A Dork...

Have I mentioned that I'm a dork?

Probably not, since this is the first time I've posted here...  You have to start somewhere, though, right?

I've had a LiveJournal for years, but they're getting silly with ads and paid accounts and random Russian people subscribing to things.  It's not what it used to be.  The advantage of LJ used to be that there was a social component that wasn't available in many other blogging software and sites.  With networking sites like Myspace and Facebook taking the place of such things, LJ has kinda' lost its edge.  Icons?  Please... I can upload small pics to Picasaweb and use them just the same way, and THOSE are unlimited.  So I've decided to try this for a while.

And for my first post, I've decided to show you the laptop bag I made out of duct tape.  It's dorky as all hell, but I'm quite proud of it!  It started as a blue Shop N Save bag or two, which I used for basic shape.  I saw some instructions that said to use shapes cut out of cardboard, but I didn't want anything that firm.  I wanted it to move, more like fabric, and this bag does just that.

Now that I've gotten a first version of it done, though, I may decide to do another one, a bit more tailored to my laptop.  I'm thinking camouflage with black accents... kuz I'm butch that way.