Tuesday, October 28, 2008






In other news, I've been rather moody lately, and I've been putting pretty high demands on people. I think I know why.

In the simplest terms, people, I'm lonely.

Ugh, gag. Sounds pathetic, huh? Well, it feels pathetic. I hate this. I end up making myself look stupid and desperate and many other very unattractive things. It's not the person I want to be. What really sucks is that I see it happening, and I can't stop the course.

So if I've jumped to conclusions or placed undue demands on you, I apologize. (Treasure it. I hate to apologize.) It seems like all of the people I end up relying on for certain things all move away.

That's one of the things I treasure in Greg the most these days: he really is the one constant in my life, and you should all thank him for taking the brunt of this. It really makes me more bearable to the rest of you, trust me.

I've been thinking a lot lately about my friendships. I'm not an easy person to BE friends with, I know. I wish I could label for you what it is I am looking for, or what quality I need out of my friendships. I don't know.

Believe me, though, the older I get, the more difficult it seems to be to make friends, and I'm at a point in my life that I do need to make friends.

I don't know what else to say on that right now. Just, I'm lonely.

1 comment:

  1. It's me, onzanokooya from LiveJournal. I can't figure out how to get LJ to let me comment on your page, so I'll play with that later.

    Anyway, I don't think it's age you have to worry about in making friends--I personally believe there's some form of cosmic radiation raining down on the planet right now that's turning the brains of all but a select few into mulch making it difficult for said mulch-brains to comprehend proper human bonding.

    Soon it will be up to us to fight off the hoards of stupids and repopulate the planet!

    ...Then again, I could just be a college girl talking out of her ass.

    Also, I'm revoking your web-cam privileges.

    And Happy Halloween!
