I found some old pictures, and decided to put the scanner we inherited to good use. Included were some pictures of my family before my brothers were born, some shots of all of my cousins and my sister and I one Christmas, and a couple of shots of my best friend from childhood.
I've bee thinking a lot about things from back then lately. Ever since my father died, actually. We had it pretty good, for the most part. We had a good, emotionally healthy family, and good supportive neighbors and friends. We didn't have that much money - less and less as time went on, actually, but we didn't know that at the time. Not really, at least.
This is a picture of me and Christina, my best friend growing up. We were inseparable as kids. I have a long history of intense friendships, you see.
Oh, and as a kid, I loved that shirt. I guess I never did have much taste. I was so upset when it didn't fit anymore. One day it just vanished. I'm sure my mom had something to do with it, of course.
I was horrible to my father from about the time I hit puberty through about my early twenties. That poor man couldn't even breathe right as far as I was concerned at that age. It was less about him than it was about me. I had a lot of things to work out back then. Hell, who am I kidding? I have a lot to work out even now.
I was a pretty cute kid, though.
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